
Side ber Menu


Gestión Ventas

Gestione las ventas de su negocio, Genere albaranes, facturas simplificadas u ordinarias, lleve un control de sus ventas por facturas, clientes, productos ect.

- Listados de ventas por artículos, clientes, familias, tipos, formas de pago.
- Ventas, Carta, Artículos, Familias, Clientes...
- Múltiples tarifas, zonas, usuarios
- Ventas por peso, escandallos, combinados...
- Múltiples formas de pago, descuentos, invitaciones, personal, crédito
- Soporta varios IVAS
- Gestión de Reservas, impresión en cocina...
- Mas de 50 listados predefinidos.

Módulo Delivered

Lleve control de pedidos delivered, por cuenta propia o ajena, como motos de reparto o a recoger... gestione también los pedidos de las principales opereadores de delivered.


Control de Usuarios

Guarde toda la actividad de sus empleados, ventas, cancelaciones, accesos, control de presencia... Gestione permisos de acceso y/o tareas que deban de cumplir cada uno

- Control de Accesos...
- Control de Ventas, Cancelaciones, Entradas, modificaciones...
- Gestione un control de presencia para llevar registro de horas trabajadas...
- Asignación de jornada laboral, turnos...

Registro Movimientos

Registro de todos movimientos realizados en el sistema... filtre por secciones


Integración Online

Opción de gestionar online su página Web, con actualización automática de los productos, precios ect. Configure su Carta QR para reflejar cambios de precios o artículos nuevos

Carta QR

En la ficha de cada Artículo podrá marcar que productos queremos que se muestren en nuestra carta QR, y así automáticamente seá actualizada en tiempo real.

Se pueden mostrar Producto, Descripción, Precios, Fotografías y Alérgenos si los tuviese.


Almacen y Stocks

Gestión íntegra de su almacen, realice una trazabilidad de sus productos, desde que entran en su almacen hasta que se venden

- Alta de Proveedores...
- Alta de Artíulos en almacen
- Multi Almacen, Traspasos entre almacenes
- Escandallos, pérdidas...
- Albaranes, Facturas de Compras...
- Pagos a Proveedores, vencimientos...

Service Overview

On the other hand we denounce with righteou indignation and dislke men who are so beguleds by the charms info pleasure of the moment soni blinded by desire that they cannot foresee Loremd magna aliqua But I must explain to you how all this mistaken dea of denouncing pleasure ande rofessional Medical Service at vero eos accusamus etiusto odio dignissimo ducimus qusidrcupiditate non provident smilique sunt in culpa qui officia accusamus etiusto odio dignissimo ducimus qusidrcupiditate

How It Works?!

On the other hand we denounce with and arrghteous the charms andre pleasure info the moment blindeid dolor amet consectet adipiscin elit sed are we doeus Lorem psum dolor amet consectetu and we dpscngs magna alqua But must explain towsr an you how this Profeional Medical Service vero eoswer a et accusas nonsunt in culpa qui officia.

Stats And Charts

On the other hand we denounce with and arrghteous the charms andre pleasure info the moment blindeid dolor amet consectet adipiscin elit sed are we doeus Lorem psum dolor amet consectetu and we dpscngs magna alqua But must explain towsr an you how this Profeional Medical Service vero eoswer a et accusas nonsunt in culpa qui officia.


Service Overview

On the other hand we denounce with righteou indignation and dislke men who are so beguleds by the charms info pleasure of the moment soni blinded by desire that they cannot foresee Loremd magna aliqua But I must explain to you how all this mistaken dea of denouncing pleasure ande rofessional Medical Service at vero eos accusamus etiusto odio dignissimo ducimus qusidrcupiditate non provident smilique sunt in culpa qui officia accusamus etiusto odio dignissimo ducimus qusidrcupiditate

How It Works?!

On the other hand we denounce with and arrghteous the charms andre pleasure info the moment blindeid dolor amet consectet adipiscin elit sed are we doeus Lorem psum dolor amet consectetu and we dpscngs magna alqua But must explain towsr an you how this Profeional Medical Service vero eoswer a et accusas nonsunt in culpa qui officia.

Stats And Charts

On the other hand we denounce with and arrghteous the charms andre pleasure info the moment blindeid dolor amet consectet adipiscin elit sed are we doeus Lorem psum dolor amet consectetu and we dpscngs magna alqua But must explain towsr an you how this Profeional Medical Service vero eoswer a et accusas nonsunt in culpa qui officia.


Service Overview

On the other hand we denounce with righteou indignation and dislke men who are so beguleds by the charms info pleasure of the moment soni blinded by desire that they cannot foresee Loremd magna aliqua But I must explain to you how all this mistaken dea of denouncing pleasure ande rofessional Medical Service at vero eos accusamus etiusto odio dignissimo ducimus qusidrcupiditate non provident smilique sunt in culpa qui officia accusamus etiusto odio dignissimo ducimus qusidrcupiditate

How It Works?!

On the other hand we denounce with and arrghteous the charms andre pleasure info the moment blindeid dolor amet consectet adipiscin elit sed are we doeus Lorem psum dolor amet consectetu and we dpscngs magna alqua But must explain towsr an you how this Profeional Medical Service vero eoswer a et accusas nonsunt in culpa qui officia.

Stats And Charts

On the other hand we denounce with and arrghteous the charms andre pleasure info the moment blindeid dolor amet consectet adipiscin elit sed are we doeus Lorem psum dolor amet consectetu and we dpscngs magna alqua But must explain towsr an you how this Profeional Medical Service vero eoswer a et accusas nonsunt in culpa qui officia.


Service Overview

On the other hand we denounce with righteou indignation and dislke men who are so beguleds by the charms info pleasure of the moment soni blinded by desire that they cannot foresee Loremd magna aliqua But I must explain to you how all this mistaken dea of denouncing pleasure ande rofessional Medical Service at vero eos accusamus etiusto odio dignissimo ducimus qusidrcupiditate non provident smilique sunt in culpa qui officia accusamus etiusto odio dignissimo ducimus qusidrcupiditate

How It Works?!

On the other hand we denounce with and arrghteous the charms andre pleasure info the moment blindeid dolor amet consectet adipiscin elit sed are we doeus Lorem psum dolor amet consectetu and we dpscngs magna alqua But must explain towsr an you how this Profeional Medical Service vero eoswer a et accusas nonsunt in culpa qui officia.

Stats And Charts

On the other hand we denounce with and arrghteous the charms andre pleasure info the moment blindeid dolor amet consectet adipiscin elit sed are we doeus Lorem psum dolor amet consectetu and we dpscngs magna alqua But must explain towsr an you how this Profeional Medical Service vero eoswer a et accusas nonsunt in culpa qui officia.




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